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A personal training session typically involves a PRIVATE or SEMI-PRIVATE interaction with a certified personal trainer to improve fitness, achieve specific goals, and address individual needs. What you can expect : 1. Fitness Assessment: The initial fitness session begins with an assessment of the client's current fitness level, health history, and any specifics regarding concerns/limitations. A personal certified trainer may conduct tests or measurements to evaluate baseline fitness such as strength, endurance, flexibility, and body composition. 2. Goal Setting: Based on the assessment, the trainer and client collaboratively establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Examples of goals may be Strength, balance, weight loss, or overall health and well-being. 3. Warm-Up: A fitness session typically starts with a warm-up to prepare the body for exercise and reduce the risk of injury. The warm-up may include light cardiovascular activity (e.g., jogging, cycling), dynamic stretches, and mobility exercises. 4. Workout: The bulk of the session focuses on the workout tailored to the client's goals, preferences, and fitness level. The workout may include a variety of exercises such as strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, functional movements, flexibility exercises, and balance training. The trainer provides guidance on proper exercise technique, form, breathing, and intensity to ensure safety and effectiveness. Workouts are often customized and progressively adjusted based on the client's progress, feedback, and evolving goals. 5. Cool Down: The session concludes with a cool-down period to gradually lower the heart rate, promote relaxation, and aid in recovery. The cool-down may include static stretching, deep breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques. Overall, a personal training session aims to provide individualized guidance, support, and accountability to help clients achieve their fitness goals safely and effectively.


Welcome to the energetic world of Zumba! In this dynamic fitness class, participants will experience a fusion of exhilarating dance moves set to high-energy Latin and international music rhythms. Led by a certified Zumba instructor, this class offers a fun and effective workout that combines cardio, muscle conditioning, balance, and flexibility. What to expect: 1.Warm-up: Begin the class with a dynamic warm-up routine to prepare the body for movement and prevent injuries. 2.Dance Routines: Get ready to groove and sweat with a series of dance routines featuring easy-to-follow choreography inspired by styles such as salsa, merengue, cumbia, and more. Each routine is designed to target different muscle groups while keeping the energy levels high and the smiles wide. 3.Interval Training: Interspersed throughout the class are intervals of higher-intensity moves to elevate the heart rate and boost calorie burning. 4.Cool Down/Stretching: Wind down the class with a cool-down period to gradually lower the heart rate and stretch out the muscles, promoting flexibility and recovery. Join us for a Zumba class filled with joy, energy, and infectious rhythms – let's dance our way to fitness together!


An introduction to Boxing Basics; learn the proper stance, footwork, and punching techniques. What to expect: 1.Cardio Warm-Up: Ease into boxing with jump rope exercises, shadow boxing, or other dynamic movements to get the heart rate up. 2. Boxing Drills: Rotate through punch combinations on bags or pads, focusing on form and speed. 3.Strength Training Circuit: Incorporating bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, and burpees to build muscular endurance. 4.Core Work: Exercises targeting the core muscles for stability and power, such as planks, Russian twists, and leg raises. 5.Conditioning Rounds: High-intensity intervals of boxing drills interspersed with brief rest periods to simulate rounds in a match. 6.Agility and Coordination: Utilizing ladder drills, cone drills, or agility hurdles to improve footwork and reflexes. 7.Cool Down/Stretching: Gentle stretches targeting major muscle groups to improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.


An introduction to yoga philosophy, including the Eight Limbs of Yoga. Learn and understand the importance of breath (pranayama) and its connection to movement (vinyasa). What to expect: 1.Practice basic alignment principles for safe and effective applications. 2.Explore foundational yoga poses (asanas) such as: .Mountain Pose (Tadasana) .Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) .Warrior Poses (Virabhadrasana I, II, III) .Tree Pose (Vrksasana) .Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) .Child's Pose (Balasana) .Progressively introduce more challenging poses based on students' abilities and interests. 3.Breathwork (Pranayama): Practice various pranayama techniques, including: .Ujjayi breath (ocean breath) .Dirga Pranayama (three-part breath) .Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) .Emphasize the connection between breath and movement in yoga practice. 4.Sequencing and Flow: Learn how to create and modify yoga sequences based on different themes, goals, and student needs. Understand the benefits and contraindications of yoga poses for different body types and conditions. 5.Meditation & Mindfulness: Explore meditation techniques, such as mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, or guided visualization. 6.Yoga Philosophy & Lifestyle: Dive deeper into yoga philosophy, including cincluding concepts such as karma, dharma, and self-awareness. Discuss how yoga principles can be applied to daily life, relationships, and personal growth. This curriculum provides a comprehensive overview of yoga, covering physical practice, breathwork, meditation, philosophy, teaching methodology, and ethics. It can be adapted and expanded based on specific client needs.


In music class, students embark on a journey through the world of sound, rhythm, and melody. Through a combination of theory, practice, and performance, students will explore various aspects of music. What you can expect : 1. Fundamentals: Learning the basics of music theory, including notation, rhythm, harmony, and melody. 2. Instrumentation: Exploring different musical instruments and their unique characteristics, with opportunities to try playing various instruments. 3. Vocal Techniques: Developing vocal skills through exercises in breathing, pitch, tone, and expression. 4. Musical Styles: Discovering different genres of music, such as classical, jazz, rock, pop, folk, and world music, and understanding their cultural and historical contexts. 5. Composition and Songwriting: Experimenting with musical composition and songwriting, exploring techniques for crafting melodies, harmonies, and lyrics. 6. Performance: Practicing and performing music individually and in groups, developing confidence and stage presence. 7. Music Technology: Exploring the use of technology in music production, recording, and editing. Through engaging activities, interactive lessons, and hands-on experiences, students will develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of music while cultivating their own musical abilities and creativity. Whether they're aspiring musicians, music enthusiasts, or simply curious learners, this class offers a rich and rewarding exploration of the universal language of music.


Introduction to Fine Arts is an overview of different fine arts disciplines, including painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, and more. This class will provide an introduction to basic art materials, tools, and techniques. Explore of the world art and history, art movements, and influential artists. 1.Painting allows for basic color theory, mixing and brush stroke techniques and mediums such as acrylics, watercolors, and oils. 2.Drawing teaches fundamentals of line, shape, form, and perspective. Access various drawing materials such as charcoal and pastels. Learn observational drawing techniques and figure drawing. 3.Sculpture This class introduces sculpting materials such as clay, paper, wire, and found objects. Basic sculpting techniques including modeling, carving, and assembling. Explore three-dimensional forms and creating sculptures based on different themes /concepts. 4.Printmaking Explore printmaking techniques such as relief, intaglio, and screen printing. Learn how to create prints using various materials. Access the creative possibilities of printmaking and creating original artworks. 5.Mixed Media Combine different fine arts techniques and materials to create mixed media artworks. Be encouraged to experiment and be creative through mixed media projects like collage assemblage and more. 6.Art History/Criticism Study major art movements, periods, and influential artists throughout history. Analyze/Interpret artworks from various cultural, historical, and critical perspectives. Develop skills in visual literacy and critical thinking through discussions and assignments. 8.Final Project Students choose a specific medium or combination of mediums to create a final artwork. With an emphasis on creativity, personal expression, and technical skills learned throughout the course. Students final art project will be presented and discussed, providing feedback and reflection on the creative process. This curriculum provides a comprehensive exploration of fine arts, allowing students to develop their artistic skills, creativity, and understanding of the art world.


An Introduction to the principles of photography. This class teaches composition, lighting, exposure, focus, and framing. Explore different types of cameras: DSLR, mirrorless, point-and-shoot, and smartphone cameras. Learn about camera settings: aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and white balance. 1,Basics of Composition: Understanding the rule of thirds, leading lines, framing, symmetry, and other compositional techniques. Practice composition through in-class exercises and photo assignments. 2,Lighting Techniques Explorenatural and artificial lighting techniques for photography and videography. Understand the use of light to create mood, atmosphere, and depth in images. 3.Portrait Photography Learn the art of capturing portraits: posing, expression, and interaction with the subject. Exploring different portrait styles and techniques. 4.Landscape and Nature Photography Understanding the principles of capturing landscapes and nature scenes. Explore techniques for capturing depth, perspective, and dynamic range in outdoor settings. 5.Still Life and Product Photography Learn techniques for photographing still life subjects and products. Understand lighting, composition, and styling for product photography.


An introduction to Videography. This class provides an understanding the basics of video recording. This may include framing, camera movement, and shot composition. Learning about video settings: resolution, frame rate, and video formats. 1.Video Editing Access video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or iMovie. Learning basic video editing techniques: cutting, trimming, transitions, and adding music and effects. 2.Storytelling through Video: Developth an understanding of the elements of storytelling in video production: narrative structure, pacing, and emotion. Explore techniques for creating compelling visual narratives through video. 3.Final Projects Students work on individual or group photography and videography projects. This program emphasises on applying the skills and techniques learned throughout the course. Students will be given the opportunity to presentation and recieve a critique of final projects, providing feedback and reflection on the creative process. Additional Activities .Guest lectures or demonstrations by professionals .Field trips to photography studios, film sets, or other relevant locations. .Collaborative projects with other students to foster teamwork and creativity. This curriculum provides a comprehensive introduction to the art and techniques of photography and videography, empowering students to develop their creative vision and technical skills in capturing and producing visual content.


Theater, an overview of theater history, genres, and terminology. 1.Acting Techniques: Exploring methods such as Stanislavski, Meisner, and Brecht. 2.Character Development: Exercises for creating and embodying characters. 3.Voice and Movement: Techniques for projection, articulation, and physicality. 3.Script Analysis: Breaking down scripts for understanding character motivations, themes, and subtext. 4.Scene Study: Pairing students to work on scenes, focusing on blocking, pacing, and emotional depth. 5.Directing Basics: Introduction to directing principles, including blocking, staging, and working with actors. 6.Stagecraft: Technical aspects like set design, lighting, sound, and costumes. 7.Production Process: Overview of producing a play, from auditions to rehearsals to performance. 8.Theatrical History: Exploring significant movements, playwrights, and performances throughout history. 10. Final Performance: Putting everything together in a final showcase or production.


STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) class involves integrating various disciplines to promote interdisciplinary learning and creativity. What to expect: 1.Science Exploration: Learn basic scientific principles, while participating in Hands-on experiments and inquiry-based learning projects. 2.Technology Integration: This program is an introduction to coding and programming languages. Access use of software and tools for design and simulation. Explore robotics and electronics projects 3.Engineering Design: Learn about the engineering design process and structural engineering challenges. Study prototyping and testing designs. 4. Arts & Creativity: Engage in the integration of art and design principles. Explore creative expression through various media (e.g., drawing, painting, sculpture). 5.Mathematics: Study mathematical concepts and problem-solving techniques. Learn math in real-world contexts (e.g., architecture, finance, cryptography), data analysis and visualization. 6. Interdisciplinary Projects: Take part in collaborative projects integrating multiple STEAM disciplines.

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